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Fondant architecture overview#

fondant architecture

At a high level, Fondant consists of three main parts:

  • The /core directory serves as the foundational backbone of Fondant, encompassing essential shared functionalities:

    • Defines the component spec class which is used to define the specification of a component. Those specifications mainly include the component image location, arguments, columns it consumes and produces.
    • Describes dataset content, facilitating reference passing between components. It evolves during a dataset materialization and aids static evaluation.
    • Defines the Type class, used for dataset data type definition.
    • /schema Directory Containing JSON schema specifications for the component spec and manifest.
  • The /component directory which contains modules for implementing Fondant components:

    • Defines the Component class which is the base class for all Fondant components. This is used to defines interfaces for different component types (Load, Transform, Write) across different data processing frameworks (Dask, Pandas, ...). The user should inherit from those classes to implement their own components.
    • Defines the DataIO class which is used to define the reading and writing operations from/to a dataset. This includes optimizing the reading and writing operations as well as selecting which columns to read/write according to the manifest.
    • Defines the Executor class which is used to define the execution of a component. This includes parsing the component arguments, executing the component and evolving/writing the manifest. Each executor subclasses a corresponding Component class to implement the execution logic for a specific component type.
  • The /dataset directory which contains the modules for implementing a Fondant dataset.

    • Defines the Dataset class which is used to define the workflow graph to materialize the dataset. The implemented class is then consumed by the compiler to compile
      to a specific workflow runner. This module also implements the ComponentOp class which is used to define the component operation in the workflow graph.
    • Defines the Compiler class which is used to define the compiler that compilers the workflow graph for a specific runner.
    • Defines the Runner class which is used to define the runner that executes the compiled workflow graph.

Additional modules#

Additional modules in Fondant include:

  • Defines the CLI for interacting with Fondant. This includes the fondant command line tool which is used to build components, compile and run workflows to materialize and explore datasets.
  • Runs the explorer which is a web application that allows the user to explore the content of a dataset.
  • Defines the build command which is used to build and publish a component.
  • Contains common testing utilities for testing components and datasets.