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Creating lightweight components#

Lightweight components are a great way to implement custom data processing steps in your dataset workflows. They are easy to implement and can be reused across different datasets. If you want to build more complex components that require additional dependencies (e.g. GPU support), you can also build a containerized component. See the containerized component guide for more info.

To implement a lightweight component, you simply need to create a python script that implements the component logic. Here is an example of a dataset composed of two custom components, one that creates a dataset and one that adds a number to a column of the dataset:
from fondant.component import DaskLoadComponent, PandasTransformComponent
from fondant.dataset import lightweight_component
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa

@lightweight_component(produces={"x": pa.int32(), "y": pa.int32()})
class CreateData(DaskLoadComponent):
    def load(self) -> dd.DataFrame:
        df = pd.DataFrame(
                "x": [1, 2, 3],
                "y": [4, 5, 6],
            index=pd.Index(["a", "b", "c"], name="id"),
        return dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)

@lightweight_component(produces={"z": pa.int32()})
class AddNumber(PandasTransformComponent):
    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.n = n

    def transform(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        dataframe["z"] = dataframe["x"].map(lambda x: x + self.n)
        return dataframe

Notice that we use the @lightweight_component decorator to define our components. This decorator is used to package the component into a containerized component and can also be used to define additional functionalities.

To register those components to a dataset, we can use the create and apply method for the first and second component respectively:
from fondant.dataset import Dataset

dataset = Dataset.create(
_ = dataset.apply(
    arguments={"n": 1},

Here we are creating a dataset workflow that reads data from the CreateData component and then applies the AddNumber component to it. The produces argument is used to define the schema of the output of the component. This is used to validate the output of the component and to define the schema of the next component in the dataset.

Behind the scenes, Fondant will automatically package the component into a containerized component that uses a base image with the current installed Fondant and python version.

Installing additional requirements#

If you want to install additional requirements for your component, you can do so by adding the package to the extra_requires argument of the @lightweight_component decorator. This will install the package in the containerized component.

Under the hood, we are injecting the source to a docker container. If you want to use additional dependencies, you have to make sure to import the libaries inside a function directly.

For example:
def transform(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    import numpy as np
    # Your code here

Changing the base image#

If you want to change the base image of the containerized component, you can do so by adding the base_image argument to the @lightweight_component decorator. This will use the specified base image instead of the default one. Make sure you install Fondant in the base image or list it in the extra_requires argument.

Optimizing loaded data#

By default, Fondant will load all the data from the previous component into memory. You can restrict the columns that are loaded by specifying the columns to be loaded in the consumes argument of the decorator. If we take the previous example, we can restrict the columns that are loaded by the AddNumber component by specifying the x column in the consumes argument:
    "x": pa.int32()
class AddNumber(PandasTransformComponent):
    def __init__(self, n: int):
        self.n = n

    def transform(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        dataframe["z"] = dataframe["x"].map(lambda x: x + self.n)
        return dataframe

This will omit the y column from the loaded data, which can be useful if you are working with large datasets and want to avoid loading unnecessary data.

If you want to publish your component to the Fondant Hub, you will need to convert it to containerized component. See the containerized component guide for more info.

Loading dynamic fields#

You can also choose to load in dynamic fields by setting the additionalProperties argument to True in the consumes argument.

This will allow you to define an arbitrary number of columns to be loaded when applying your component to the dataset.

This can be useful in scenarios when we want to dynamically load in fields from a dataset. For example, if we want to aggregate results from multiple columns, we can define a component that loads in specific column from the previous component and then aggregates them.

Starting from the previous example where we now have a dataset with a x, y and z column, we can define a component that aggregates the x and z columns into a new column score:

import dask.dataframe as dd
from fondant.component import PandasTransformComponent
from fondant.dataset import lightweight_component

    "additionalProperties": True
    produces={"score": pa.int32()},
class AggregateResults(PandasTransformComponent):
    def __init__(self):

    def transform(self, dataframe: dd.DataFrame) -> dd.DataFrame:
        metrics = list(self.consumes.keys())
        agg = dataframe[metrics].mean()
        agg_df = agg.to_frame(name="score")

        return agg_df

_ = dataset.apply(
    consumes={"x": pa.int32(), "z": pa.int32()},

This will aggregate the x and z columns into a new column score.

The main difference between the consumes argument in the @lightweight_component decorator and the consumes argument in the apply method is that the former is used to define the schema of the component and the latter is used to specify the input data that will be passed to the component.

Specifying the consumes argument in the applyallows for more flexibility in defining the input schema of the component compared to the consumes argument in the @lightweight_component decorator which is used to define the schema of the component.

Refer to this section for more info on dynamic fields.