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Local Runner#

Leverages docker compose. The local runner is mainly aimed at helping you develop fondant datasets and components faster since it allows you to develop on your local machine or a Virtual Machine. This enables you to quickly iterate on development. Once you have a dataset developed, Switching to either the Vertex or Kubeflow runners offers many advantages such as the ability to assign specific hardware requirements, better monitoring and reproducibility.

In order to use the local runner, you need to have a recent version of docker-compose installed.

Installing the local runner#

Make sure that you have installed Docker compose on your system. You can find more information about this in the installation guide.

Running a dataset with the local runner#

Fondant will create a default working directory (for intermediate artifacts) for the dataset in the current working directory called '/.artifacts'. You can override this by passing the --working-dir argument to the run command. Or by setting the working_dir argument in the run method of the DockerRunner class.

fondant run local <dataset_ref>
The dataset ref is the path to the compiled dataset spec or a reference to a fondant dataset.

If you want to use remote paths (GCS, S3, etc.) you can use pass the correct cloud credentials flag when invoking the runner. This will mount your default local cloud credentials to the containers. Make sure you are authenticated locally before running the work and that you have the correct permissions to access the folder (read/write/create).

fondant run local <dataset_ref> --auth-provider gcp
fondant run local <dataset_ref> --auth-provider aws
fondant run local <dataset_ref> --auth-provider azure

You can also use the --extra-volumes argument to mount extra credentials or additional files. This volumes will be mounted to every component/service of the docker-compose spec.

from fondant.dataset.runner import DockerRunner

runner = DockerRunner()<str_or_list_of_optional_extra_volumes_to_mount>)

If you want to use remote paths (GCS, S3, etc.) you can use the authentification argument while invoking the runner.

from fondant.dataset.runner import DockerRunner
from fondant.core.schema import CloudCredentialsMount

runner = DockerRunner()
from fondant.dataset.runner import DockerRunner
from fondant.core.schema import CloudCredentialsMount

runner = DockerRunner()
from fondant.dataset.runner import DockerRunner
from fondant.core.schema import CloudCredentialsMount

runner = DockerRunner()

This will mount your default local cloud credentials to the containers. Make sure you are authenticated locally before running the work and that you have the correct permissions to access the folder (read/write/create).

You can also use the optional extra_volumes argument to mount extra credentials or additional files. This volumes will be mounted to every component/service of the docker-compose spec.

The Docker compiler will compile the dataset to a docker compose specification before running the workflow. This will start the containers and provide logs per component (service).

Components that are not located in the registry (local custom components) will be built on runtime. This allows for quicker iteration during component development.

Assigning custom resources to the execution#

The local runner uses the computation resources (RAM, CPU) of the host machine. In case a GPU is available and is needed for a component, it needs to be assigned explicitly.

from fondant.dataset import Resources

dataset = dataset.apply(  